However, in accordance with shifting and possession this essential characteristic of pledge to examine ordinary creditor's rights pledge system, we find ordinary creditor's rights pledge not only contradictes with the theory of shifting and possession, but also breakes away from life reality. 然而,依转移占有这一质权的本质特征对普通债权质权制度进行审视时,发现普通债权质权不但与转移占有的质权理论相矛盾,而且脱离了生活实际。
It is an ordinary phenomenon that the stated-owned companies are in highly debt and the majority of whose creditor is state-owned bank. 高负债是我国国有企业的一个普遍现象,且负债绝大部分来自国有银行,由于国有企业与国有银行的传统关系及债券融资比重低的状况,导致负债的约束机制得不到发挥;